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Archive for the ‘Law School’ Category

Mar '07

Where I’ve been…

Create your own visited countries map In Other News… Barrister’s Ball is on Saturday!

Nov '06

Business Associations Review

Here are links to Business Associations Review I and Business Associations Review II for Marc Greenberg. All recordings are copyright Jason Luros 2006, all lectures herein copyright Marc Greenberg 2006. In other news, 6 imams returning from a conference in Minneapolis were pulled off a plane for standing prior to take-off and saying evening prayers. […]

Sep '06

Bush and David Gregory in a Spat

This is a scary video which is further evidence that our Commander-in-Chief still doesn’t understand international law. He states that he makes Geneva Convention Common Article III stronger by requiring Congress to explain it by statute. International treaty law shouldn’t need explanatory statutes. They are the product of construct and experts the ken of which […]

Jun '06

It’s like the mile high club, but different.

Dear bloggies, bloggarazzi, and bloggists! Lend me your land-based ears! Hear what I have to say from 40,000 feet, worth even less than the $0.04 a minute that Boeing is charging. Hey, it’s cheaper than law school (which, if you’re curious, costs $3/minute; something to think about the next time you consider a J.D.). So, […]

May '06

I’ve been examined orally.

I just completed the first oral exam of my life. Thankfully, I was examined by a woman. See, I’m an American, and you know how we feel about…well, you know. I’m in a foreign country, so I should be flexible, right? You can take the boy out of the bubble, but you can’t take the […]

Apr '06

In Other News Tonight…

I just landed one of those coveted 2L Summer Associate positions. I had to come to a country that didn’t know about my law school to do it, but my career office told me to “think outside the box”. It’s at a great firm, Osborne Clarke. I think there’s an O.C. joke in there somewhere, […]

Feb '06

What is wrong with this cracker?

This phrase was uttered by my German friend, Jeanette, upon being presented with a taco shell. No, she was not talking about me. It raises an interesting question, if not an incorrect one, as taco shells are not crackers at all, even when you put pieces of cheese on them. Tomorrow I leave for a […]

Jan '06

Witkin Award Matters

I got an email this morning from the records office at Golden Gate, apologizing for a misprint in the list of Witkin Award recipients. Apparently, someone else was listed as having received the Witkin for Real Property, when it actually went to me. Also, he informed me that I received the CALI in Intellectual Property.